- Where to Study
- Posted 3 years ago
Top Universities for Environmental Engineering in Canada
If you’re looking to further enhance your profession as an environmental engineer in Canada, getting a Master’s in Environmental Engineering is a great way to go. This program will further expand your knowledge and increase your employability.
- Ranking
- Posted 3 years ago
The Best Engineering Magazines
Reading magazines is a great way to stay up to date with industry trends within your specific field - key if you are keen to advance in your engineering career . Magazines offer a centralised accumulation of all relevant and current information, with most magazines offering archives stretching back for years where you can find past issues. There are many different types of engineering magazines, with some geared towards entertainment, while others are more focused on detailed engineering topics. This article offers an overview of engineering-related magazines for some of the main branches of engineering, including mechanical, civil, chemical, and electrical engineering. The magazines mentioned below are aimed at engineering students and professionals.
- Explained
- Posted 3 years ago
What are the Subdivisions of Civil Engineering?
Civil engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design and construction of buildings, roads, bridges, and other large-scale structures. It is an established profession that has existed since the establishment of the first permanent human settlements. Within the civil engineering profession, there are many subdisciplines to specialise in, including:
- Ranking
- Posted 3 years ago
Top 10 Universities for Civil Engineering in Canada
Civil engineering students study the built environment, specifically how its various structures are designed, constructed, and maintained. A basic understanding of how static objects, such as buildings, behave is required to succeed as a civil engineer.
- Working Your Way Up
- Posted 3 years ago
The Top Universities for Mechanical Engineering in Canada
Mechanical engineering students study the forces and thermal environment encountered by a product and its parts so they can come up with the best designs and manufacturing processes of a product. Most importantly, an in-depth understanding of objects and systems in motion are required, which makes mechanical engineering a broad and diverse discipline of engineering. While it can be difficult in the current climate to move to a new city or country in order to pursue your studies, many universities, including some of those on our list, offer distance-learning online degrees. You don’t have to leave wherever you're holed up and, most importantly, you can stay safe!
- Planning Ahead
- Posted 3 years ago
Is Energy Engineering a Good Career Choice?
Like most engineers, those working in the energy sector have a pretty diverse brief, and are tasked both with the reduction of existing energy consumption, and the improvement and development of technologies to produce energy more efficiently. As such, the optimal energy engineer is an optimiser and problem solver by nature. It's a highly specialised area of work and typically requires a post graduate qualification, but that's okay, you're a smart bunch. And actually, there are exceptions to this rule as some institutions offer energy engineering programmes which allow you to circumvent that need.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article, Study Abroad Article, Blog Post, Work Abroad Article, Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top 10 Most Affordable Cities to Study Engineering
Engineering and research related professions are undoubtedly some of the most popular in current times, with a significant proportion of our passionate youth opting for these majors in university.
- Planning Ahead
- Posted 4 years ago
Why Study Engineering in Portugal
Portugal has become one of the most desirable places for engineers to work and study in the EU - a remarkable achievement, by all accounts. As recently as 2007, it was written off as the ‘sick man of Europe’; its economy was sluggish and living standards were stagnating. Fast-forward a decade and how things have changed. As 2018 drew to a close, the ruling Socialist Party pledged to deliver the country’s lowest deficit of just 0.2% and the tourism sector was back booming.
- Finding Financing
- Posted 4 years ago
How to Fund Your Engineering Master's
Self-improvement via continued study is a sure-fire way to increase your earning potential. A Master’s degree is a very good way to prove your expertise within a given field and the choice of your Master's will set your career trajectory. But let’s face it, Master's programs in many countries are far from cheap. Luckily, there are ways to fund your studies and this article aims to provide you with a list of the most practical ones. Check out our full range of Master's program listings
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Skills Engineers Will Need for the Future
It should come as no surprise that securing an engineering job is not just about luck or connections; it’s also about the skills that an engineer has perfected over the years. Due to the thousands of engineering graduates and highly-skilled professionals who are also looking for better opportunities, more benefits, and job security every year, competition is tough. An engineer can do something about it, however, by learning these top engineering skills to make themselves more competitive and indispensable.
- Study Advice
- Posted 4 years ago
How to Write an Engineering Motivation Letter for a PhD
Ok, so the time has come to write your engineering PhD motivation letter. The cursor is blinking on the blank page. Your mind races. What do I write? How do I start? How do I phrase it? It can be a challenge, especially for us engineers who may not enjoy the written word as much as other academics do. But competition for some PhD places can be fierce, especially at good universities. Getting the motivation letter right is one of the most important parts of your application, so don't leave it until the last minute.
- Extracurricular
- Posted 4 years ago
The Top Engineering Summer Schools in Europe
Engineering as a discipline is as vast as it is interesting. It is also one of the toughest courses to study. For young scholars looking to delve into this amazing and complex field, knowing where to begin can be an uphill task. Furthermore, excelling as an engineering student requires extra effort. Thankfully, engineering summer schools exist to help out. These are specialised learning programs that take place during summer, outside of the normal academic year.
- What makes a good engineer?
- Posted 4 years ago
10 Characteristics of Successful Engineers [Infographic]
Engineers are the inventors, designers, analysers and builders of our modern age. They create the machines, structures and systems we use on a daily basis. The constrains of physics, the confines of the manufacturing technology of the modern age, the limitations imposed by current material properties, requirements in terms of health and safety and cost: all of these are things that engineers must take into account when designing whatever it is they're working on.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top European Master’s Degrees in Civil Engineering
Obtaining a master’s degree in any engineering field is no simple task. It’s the culmination of years of study in an undergraduate programme, followed in some cases by years of practical industry experience. A master’s degree is definitely worth your time and effort though, as it not only allows you to stand out amongst your peers in the job market, it also takes you to a whole new level of engineering development. The list presented below is by no means exhaustive, but aims to give a good balance of master’s topics and locations around Europe that are definitely worth checking out.
- Study Paths
- Posted 4 years ago
Why Study Energy Engineering in Germany
Although its branding as ‘The World's First Major Renewable Energy Economy’ may be slightly generous, Germany is, without question, one of Europe’s leading forces in the ‘renewable revolution’. Throughout its time in office, the CDU has maintained an ambitious green agenda, and Merkel's long-standing international engagement in cutting emissions has earned her the nickname the ‘Climate Chancellor’.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Online Master’s Degrees in Mechanical Engineering
More and more people are turning to the internet for education, partly because of the technological modern world, but mostly because they have to during coronavirus isolation. The technical fields, such as mechanical engineering, are being forced to modernize and make their courses available for distance learners. Some might think that it’s impossible to gain a degree in mechanical engineering online because of the traditional hands-on nature of the profession which often involves direct oversight from the instructor.
- Online Learning
- Posted 4 years ago
Top 7 Online Environmental Engineering Degrees
Today like never before our world is driven by technology and change is accelerating at an exhilarating rate with no let-up in sight. For most of history, this change has come at the expense of the environment, which we have plundered and degraded to such an extent that our own lives are now threatened. Thankfully, there are signs that things may be changing. Sustainability is a discussed part of our lives and influencing our behaviour. It has even begun to infiltrate big business which increasingly relies on environmental engineers to coordinate, manage and mitigate the environmental impacts of enterprise. Such is the growing concern the environmental engineering field is projected to grow 15% annually until 2022. Opportunities a-plenty.
- Online Learning
- Posted 4 years ago
Top 9 Online Electrical Engineering Degrees
Electrical engineering is one of the most in-demand engineering professions, so those of you who have chosen it as your area of specialisation well done, good choice. While most engineers progress into the workforce with a Bachelor's degree, more and more professionals are staying in further higher education, figuring it will be to their advantage as the competition for jobs hots up. But what if enrolling in a Master's degree is not possible? In these strange times, this is the case for many.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Conferences for Mechanical Engineers in the US in 2020
Since the mechanical engineering profession focuses on the design, development, manufacturing, and testing of various mechanical devices and components, mechanical engineers are expected to be on top of their game and should be well-informed on the latest technological developments. Among the avenues mechanical engineers can use to remain competitive are the conferences offered by various organizations and relevant governing bodies. Below are some of the United States’ mechanical engineering conferences to watch out for in 2020.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Top 7 Universities for Architectural Engineering in the USA
Architectural engineers are professionals who study the planning, design, construction, and operation of engineered systems for different types of buildings. Their jobs share similarities with those of civil engineers in terms of tasks and specializations, but also feature differences which make the career field distinct. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an annual increase of 8.4% is expected until 2024 for civil engineers, including architectural engineers, due to the need for improvements and repairs to existing and aging infrastructure.
- Study Advice Article, Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
The Top Biomedical Engineering Master's Programs
Are you interested in studying the science behind human diseases and what causes them? Perhaps you’re more interested in the engineering technology that leads to improved diagnosis and treatment. In either case, a Biomedical Engineering Master's might just be for you. There are plenty of job opportunities for biomedical engineers in areas such as medical diagnostics, healthcare professions, clinical research, plus many more. In this article, we’ll have a look at some of the top Master’s degrees that you might want to consider.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Top 7 Universities for Mechanical Engineering in Germany
Taking a mechanical engineering course in Germany is one of the best decisions you could make if you are looking for a bright and stable career in engineering. With the country’s top-notch and reputable engineering schools and technological innovations, mechanical engineers in Germany are expected to work with some of the best engineering companies in Europe and the world. Aside from the scholarship opportunities and low tuition fees, universities and colleges in Germany are known for their research and collaboration with the various engineering industries in the country.
- Study Advice Article, Work Abroad Article, Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top 10 Aerospace Engineering Companies in Germany
The industry for aerospace engineering in Germany has been growing for the last two decades. Its world-class and heavily invested R&D infrastructure, powerful manufacturing base, and the ready availability of highly qualified professionals and engineers have made the country one of the leading hubs for the global aerospace industry.
- Study Advice Article, Study Abroad Article, Blog Post, Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
The Top Universities for Civil Engineering in Germany
Civil engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design and construction of large-scale structures like bridges and high-rise buildings. To work as a civil engineer, one must understand the basics of how static objects behave – in order to design buildings – as well as having a thorough grasp of the underlying forces inside structures like bridges and dams.
- Study Advice Article, Study Abroad Article, Blog Post, Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top 10 Universities for Mechanical Engineering in Australia
Mechanical engineers are responsible for designing, analysing, and maintaining all types of mechanical systems. To do their job, they need to understand and apply the principles of physics and mathematics. In Australia, students interested in mechanical engineering as a career must complete an undergraduate degree before they can get their mechanical engineering work qualifications.