- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Top Engineering Television Shows
We all know that engineers are far too busy working on the latest projects and getting to grips with ever-changing technology to actually sit down and watch the idiot-box. Well, perhaps that’s not strictly true – we all need a break sometimes. And who doesn’t like to kick back now and again with the remote in one hand and a light (or not-so-light) beverage in the other? So, without further ado let’s take a look at some top TV shows that engineers will love (in no particular order).
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top 10 Cities for Environmental Engineering Jobs
Environmental engineers design structures and systems to protect the natural environment and promote sustainable living. They can also perform work to mitigate the environmental damage caused by large industrial operations such as pulp mills, mines, and oil-extraction sites. It is a discipline of engineering that can be studied at most engineering schools and can also be categorised as a sub-discipline of civil engineering.
- What makes a good engineer?
- Posted 4 years ago
10 Characteristics of Successful Engineers [Infographic]
Engineers are the inventors, designers, analysers and builders of our modern age. They create the machines, structures and systems we use on a daily basis. The constrains of physics, the confines of the manufacturing technology of the modern age, the limitations imposed by current material properties, requirements in terms of health and safety and cost: all of these are things that engineers must take into account when designing whatever it is they're working on.
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- Posted 4 years ago
The Top Academic Journals for Engineers
Academic journals are a place for researchers to read the latest research findings, publish their own works, and to comment on and discuss various scholarly topics. They are usually periodic publications that are peer-reviewed and focus on specific topics such as nanotechnology or material science. In the engineering field alone, there are numerous scientific journals dedicated to specific disciplines such as mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and chemical engineering.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Best Online Video Games for Engineers
Maybe you’re looking for something to distract you for ten minutes on the train. Perhaps you’re avoiding starting that big project at work. Or you’re at home with your kids getting on your nerves, so you want to give them something vaguely ‘educational’ to play on your phone. It could be you're just bore during lockdown, and you've done all your work for the day. (Congrats!) Whatever the case may be, we've got a list of the top online games for engineers so you can procrastinate to the very best of your ability.
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- Posted 4 years ago
Things All Engineers Hate
Prepare to be enraged. This list may well make your blood boil and your skin creep. But you’ll probably find yourself nodding along in agreement. We’re a special breed, us engineers and we all seem to have very similar dislikes. So, in no particular order, here are the top ten things that engineers hate. Click here for a list of all our engineering programs
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
10 Best Memes About Engineering
Bored in lockdown? Unable to head to the workshop and build that gadget you've been designing for the last three months? Think there's nothing better than a meme to brighten up a dull day? Fret no longer, bored engineers! Especially for you, we’ve got our engineering meme game on and compiled 10 of the best. If you’re at home relaxing during the lockdown, kick back and enjoy some well-earned laughs; or, if you’re meant to be working or studying, get on with that design/as-built/research/assignment you lazy so-and-so! (But maybe after a well-earned meme break.)
- Study Paths
- Posted 4 years ago
Why Study Energy Engineering in Germany
Although its branding as ‘The World's First Major Renewable Energy Economy’ may be slightly generous, Germany is, without question, one of Europe’s leading forces in the ‘renewable revolution’. Throughout its time in office, the CDU has maintained an ambitious green agenda, and Merkel's long-standing international engagement in cutting emissions has earned her the nickname the ‘Climate Chancellor’.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Online Civil Engineering Master's Degrees
Just because you're spending most of your time inside, isolated against the coronavirus COVID-19, that doesn't mean your studying has to suffer. There's plenty of opportunity to get a Master's degree online these days, as various universities provide programs to accommodate those who can't study on campus (which right now is everybody).
- Online Learning
- Posted 4 years ago
Top 9 Online Electrical Engineering Degrees
Electrical engineering is one of the most in-demand engineering professions, so those of you who have chosen it as your area of specialisation well done, good choice. While most engineers progress into the workforce with a Bachelor's degree, more and more professionals are staying in further higher education, figuring it will be to their advantage as the competition for jobs hots up. But what if enrolling in a Master's degree is not possible? In these strange times, this is the case for many.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top 10 Best Gifts for Environmental Engineers
What gift should you buy for an environmental engineer? Well, surely it’s got to be something environmentally friendly, right? Heck, should you even buy something, or should you make a gift from recycled or reclaimed materials? Would that go down better? It’s a dilemma, to be sure. Luckily for you, at NewEngineer we’ve cooked up some ideas and hunted down some of the best environmental engineering gifts money can buy. Most have an eco-friendly theme (for obvious reasons) and one or two of them you can actually make yourself, if you’ve got the time and inclination.
- Blog Post
- Posted 4 years ago
Engineers Without Borders International
Modern times sure are interesting. The human race stands at the peak of technological advancement, making futuristic inventions that are increasingly accessible for each and every one of us. Most of our basic – and not so basic – needs have been taken care of by one invention of another. And lots of these inventions have become so embedded in our lives we have forgotten what it was like before they existed!
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Conferences for Mechanical Engineers in the US in 2020
Since the mechanical engineering profession focuses on the design, development, manufacturing, and testing of various mechanical devices and components, mechanical engineers are expected to be on top of their game and should be well-informed on the latest technological developments. Among the avenues mechanical engineers can use to remain competitive are the conferences offered by various organizations and relevant governing bodies. Below are some of the United States’ mechanical engineering conferences to watch out for in 2020.
- Career Advice Article, Work Abroad Article
- Posted 4 years ago
Top 10 Cities for Software Engineering Jobs
Graduating with a degree in software engineering is just the start of an exciting career. Whether you are a recent graduate, or you’ve been working as a software engineer for years, there are some cities which offer better opportunities than others. This article will open your eyes to the top 10 cities for software engineering jobs. Some of the cities everyone will know about, but a few will surprise you. Let’s dive right in. Check out our software engineering job listings
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Movies Engineers Will Love
What kind of movies appeal to engineers? That’s a good question. You have to think about what kind of people engineers (generally) are – problem solvers, innovators, logical thinkers, action takers. Then it becomes pretty obvious. We like films about engineering. Maybe some maths. Sci-fi elements perhaps? And of course, plenty of good old-fashioned action.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Top 7 Universities for Mechanical Engineering in Germany
Taking a mechanical engineering course in Germany is one of the best decisions you could make if you are looking for a bright and stable career in engineering. With the country’s top-notch and reputable engineering schools and technological innovations, mechanical engineers in Germany are expected to work with some of the best engineering companies in Europe and the world. Aside from the scholarship opportunities and low tuition fees, universities and colleges in Germany are known for their research and collaboration with the various engineering industries in the country.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Top 9 Companies for Mechanical Engineering in Germany
Mechanical engineering in Germany is one of the most popular professions in the country. As the home of large automobile companies and one of the leading countries for technological innovation, Germany has a lot to offer for mechanical engineers. A mechanical engineer’s salary in Germany can range from €38,000 to €70,000 on average, depending on the size of the company. Those with a Master's degree, can expect an even better salary package with the right company. Based on revenue earnings, mechanical engineers in the country are enjoying the second position.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Ten Software Engineering Companies in Canada
Software engineers are technical professionals that apply engineering principles and methods in the development of programs and operating data for computers. With the increase in demand for technology workers, Canada has opened up plenty of working opportunities for software engineers, making it one of its most in-demand jobs in the country. Careers in software engineering can include job roles such as a programmer analyst, application developer, and lead software development engineer.
- Career Advice Article, Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Ten Mechanical Engineering Companies in Australia
Mechanical engineers work with all types of mechanical systems, from cars and planes to space ships. In their everyday work, they must design and analyze these systems to make sure they can function based on the principles of science. They can also work in the maintenance of these systems once they are built to ensure they can function the way they are designed to do. In Australia, students interested in working as mechanical engineers must complete an undergraduate degree first. They will learn the basic principles of physics and mathematics that will allow them to succeed in their job.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Ten Engineering Summer Schools in the US
Summer school is an academic program which includes classes, lectures and courses. They usually take place during summer, outside of the regular school calendar; hence the name summer school. Summer schools are typically carried out by universities, colleges, and sometimes, private companies. The following are some of the purposes of summer school:
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Introducing Top 8 US Engineering Institutes
Engineering involves putting scientific principles into practical applications. From building bridges to the next Facebook, it is a popular field of study that is offered at almost all large public universities and research institutes. It can also be categorized into many disciplines such as chemical, mechanical, civil, environmental, software, electrical engineering and more. No matter what discipline prospective students choose to specialise in, they must first choose the right school to pursue their engineering studies.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top 5 Environmental Engineering Conferences in 2019
Environmental engineers deal with the protection of the natural environment from harmful elements such as pollution and contamination. They may also work on industrial processes in various factory settings and can specialize in areas such as air, water, or waste management. In addition, environmental engineers should stay up-to-date on regulatory procedures and environmental guidelines. Attending conferences is one such way for professionals to stay up-to-date. Continue reading below for the top five environmental engineering conferences in 2019.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
NewEngineer.com's Engineering Career Survey
Friends, engineers, countrymen, lend me your ears. I come to make a request of you - don’t worry, its a short and relatively painless one. Here at NewEngineer, we are conducting research into the career paths of our beloved engineers.
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
Most Famous Fictional Engineers
You may think engineering is the stuff of hard fact and exact calculations but here’s a small peek into an alternate reality of engineering. From sci-fi fantasy to action heroes, engineers have been well represented in books and on screen. Ok, so they’re not always flattering depictions – think uber-nerds in some cases… So, counting down from 5, here are the top fictional characters that have inspired us, amazed us, and at times, left us in bewildered awe.
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
3 Engineering Breakthroughs That Are Set to Completely Change the Way We Live