- Blog Post
- Posted 4 years ago
Why More Businesses Need to Consult Process Engineers
Whether it be moving documents between departments, stocking shelves, or even making sandwiches, many businesses have processes that can be refined. These processes are often inefficient, can produce waste, and use up valuable time and resources – particularly in the case of bad sandwich making. So, what’s the solution? Consult a process engineer. Unfortunately, many businesses do not consult a process engineer because they don’t even know that they should. Check out our Process engineering jobs
- Blog Post
- Posted 4 years ago
Global Challenges: Engineering Solutions
As we collectively learn the lessons from our handling of a global pandemic, there is an increasing awareness of the need to be prepared for the big issues our planet faces through the 2020s. In particular, what can engineers do to combat some of the known challenges that we will face? Here we look at 3 global and interconnected societal challenges and ask what engineers can do to help solve them.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 4 years ago
How to Secure an Engineering Internship
The first step in many engineers’ careers is an engineering internship. Some companies and universities call internships “co-ops”. Companies offer interns an opportunity to gain real-world engineering experience while they are still students and may offer full-time employment upon graduation. As a student, it can be difficult to get your first engineering internship because you don’t have much experience. You need to find other ways to stand out. Luckily, this article will give you some tips and tricks that will help you get a leg up on your competition.
- Weighing up Your Options
- Posted 4 years ago
Working at an Engineering Startup Versus an Established Engineering Company
When looking for an engineering job, you have two options. You can either work at an engineering startup, or an established engineering company. Each is different, and both have their benefits and drawbacks. No matter which of these you choose, you will gain valuable engineering experience by working there.
- A Hidden Gem
- Posted 4 years ago
The Role of Engineers in the Pulp and Paper Industry
When it comes to engineering, the pulp and paper industry is not one that generally springs to mind. Engineers, however, play an essential role in this industry. Without engineers, the industry could not exist, and the world as we know it would change drastically. What is the pulp and paper industry? Companies in the pulp and paper industry manufacture pulp, paper, paperboard, and other paper products mainly using wood as a feedstock. Rags, flax, cotton linters, sugar cane residues, and used paper can also be used in the manufacturing process.
- Career Advice
- Posted 4 years ago
How to Successfully Navigate an Online Engineering Job Interview
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many engineering companies have pivoted away from in-person job interviews in favour of online job interviews. This switch has put many engineers into unfamiliar territory. Gone are the days of sweaty handshakes, nervous fidgeting, and worrying about food stains on clothing. These woes have been replaced by noisy children and pets in the background of video calls, shaky Internet connections, and making sure that your microphone is on. Always have it on...
- An Origin Story
- Posted 4 years ago
The History of Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineering is one of today’s broadest and most in-demand engineering disciplines. Chemical engineers work in a variety of industries, including energy, mining, chemical production, food production, and water treatment. Because of their diverse skillset and the industries in which they work, chemical engineers are highly sought-after.
- The Pandemic Takes its Toll
- Posted 4 years ago
How Has the Coronavirus Made Entering Engineering More Difficult
2020 was an unprecedented year. The coronavirus pandemic has brought the world to its knees, changing life as we know it. It’s been particularly crippling for the world of engineering. A global economy in recession has forced many companies to rethink their operations. For new engineers, this organizational rethinking has led to fewer career opportunities.
- Finding a Career in Government
- Posted 4 years ago
Best U.S. Government Engineering Jobs
The U.S. federal government is the country’s largest employer, employing around two million workers. It is also on a hiring spree to replace the wave of retiring baby boomers, which means more opportunities for young people graduating from university this year. As a government engineer, one will have a chance to build the country with the added security of a steady pay-check. Government workers are rarely laid off. Other desirable benefits include health and dental insurance, regular merit-based promotions, safe pensions, and even student loan repayments.
- Myth Busting
- Posted 4 years ago
The 10 Most Common Misconceptions About Engineers
As with any other profession, there are certain stereotypes and myths inherent to the engineering field. Most people perceive engineers in an entirely one-dimensional way, associating certain personality traits (or lack thereof) with them, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. There are quite a few misconceptions on what engineers are or are not, but let’s look at the 10 Most Common Myths About Engineers.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article, Study Abroad Article, Blog Post, Work Abroad Article, Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top 10 Most Affordable Cities to Study Engineering
Engineering and research related professions are undoubtedly some of the most popular in current times, with a significant proportion of our passionate youth opting for these majors in university.
- Developments in the Engineering Discipline
- Posted 4 years ago
The Growing Field of Food Engineering
Food engineering is a multi-disciplinary field that is responsible for the production and preservation of food. The focus of a food engineer is to constantly improve the food production process, whether that is introducing energy efficient machinery, or developing a new type of packaging to increase the shelf-life of a product. Working closely with food technologists and food scientists, their combined goal is to provide a healthy, tasty, long-lasting product while also ensuring global food supplies remain plentiful and safe.
- Bridging the Gender Divide
- Posted 4 years ago
5 Institutions Promoting Women in Engineering
It’s a sad fact that historically, women have been less likely to move into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) career fields. The institutions and organisations mentioned in this article aim to empower woman and girls to pursue careers in the STEM fields. The lack of woman in STEM fields currently is a global problem, and as such this article aims to shine light on five institutions that are working hard to eradicate this issue and to help us move towards a more equal society.
- A Changing World
- Posted 4 years ago
5 Ways the Internet of Things Can Change Modern Engineering
When you mention the Internet of Things (IoT) and how it applies to engineering, most people’s thoughts turn to the manufacturing industry. Undoubtedly, the use of internet-enabled devices that link up, communicate and work with each other will revolutionise factory work. It will make assembly line processes more streamlined and cost-efficient. But, there are also plenty of uses for IoT technology in the traditionally, more ‘manual’ environments of construction and infrastructure projects. It’s estimated that IoT will have an economic impact of $6.2 trillion by 2025.
- Planning Ahead
- Posted 4 years ago
Why Study Engineering in Portugal
Portugal has become one of the most desirable places for engineers to work and study in the EU - a remarkable achievement, by all accounts. As recently as 2007, it was written off as the ‘sick man of Europe’; its economy was sluggish and living standards were stagnating. Fast-forward a decade and how things have changed. As 2018 drew to a close, the ruling Socialist Party pledged to deliver the country’s lowest deficit of just 0.2% and the tourism sector was back booming.
- Finding Financing
- Posted 4 years ago
How to Fund Your Engineering Master's
Self-improvement via continued study is a sure-fire way to increase your earning potential. A Master’s degree is a very good way to prove your expertise within a given field and the choice of your Master's will set your career trajectory. But let’s face it, Master's programs in many countries are far from cheap. Luckily, there are ways to fund your studies and this article aims to provide you with a list of the most practical ones. Check out our full range of Master's program listings
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Skills Engineers Will Need for the Future
It should come as no surprise that securing an engineering job is not just about luck or connections; it’s also about the skills that an engineer has perfected over the years. Due to the thousands of engineering graduates and highly-skilled professionals who are also looking for better opportunities, more benefits, and job security every year, competition is tough. An engineer can do something about it, however, by learning these top engineering skills to make themselves more competitive and indispensable.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
5 Halloween Costume Ideas for Engineers
Ok, so engineers don’t have the most fun-loving reputation. Let’s try and change that perception, shall we? Fancy dress is the perfect opportunity to show your wacky, crazy, party-animal side. If you’re the kind of person who cringes at the idea of dressing up, try adopting an alter-ego. The best way to do this is to find something or someone you would enjoy being for a night. With Hallowe'en approaching, here are some costume ideas that would fit engineers perfectly.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 4 years ago
Working in the U.S Military as an Engineer
Engineering is a career that involves the application of scientific principles to everyday problems. In the United States, an engineering degree usually takes four years and students can specialize in disciplines such as civil, chemical, computer, electrical, mechanical, and other areas of engineering. Upon graduation, students can expect to work as design engineers, consulting engineers, construction engineers, or other types depending on their discipline of study. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is one such place where graduates can grow their engineering career.
- Study Advice
- Posted 4 years ago
How to Write an Engineering Motivation Letter for a PhD
Ok, so the time has come to write your engineering PhD motivation letter. The cursor is blinking on the blank page. Your mind races. What do I write? How do I start? How do I phrase it? It can be a challenge, especially for us engineers who may not enjoy the written word as much as other academics do. But competition for some PhD places can be fierce, especially at good universities. Getting the motivation letter right is one of the most important parts of your application, so don't leave it until the last minute.