- Where to Study
- Posted 3 years ago
Top Universities for Environmental Engineering in Canada
If you’re looking to further enhance your profession as an environmental engineer in Canada, getting a Master’s in Environmental Engineering is a great way to go. This program will further expand your knowledge and increase your employability.
- Explained
- Posted 3 years ago
What are the Subdivisions of Civil Engineering?
Civil engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design and construction of buildings, roads, bridges, and other large-scale structures. It is an established profession that has existed since the establishment of the first permanent human settlements. Within the civil engineering profession, there are many subdisciplines to specialise in, including:
- A Big Question Answered
- Posted 3 years ago
What is Environmental Engineering?
As the world belatedly becomes more concerned with climate change and the impact that humans have on the environment, many new career opportunities are popping up. Environmental standards are getting stricter, resource extraction sites are nearing the end of their life cycles and must be cleaned up, the list goes on. Environmental engineers are needed to take these career opportunities to ensure that the human impact on the environment is sustainable. But what exactly is environmental engineering?
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top 10 Cities for Environmental Engineering Jobs
Environmental engineers design structures and systems to protect the natural environment and promote sustainable living. They can also perform work to mitigate the environmental damage caused by large industrial operations such as pulp mills, mines, and oil-extraction sites. It is a discipline of engineering that can be studied at most engineering schools and can also be categorised as a sub-discipline of civil engineering.
- Online Learning
- Posted 4 years ago
Top 7 Online Environmental Engineering Degrees
Today like never before our world is driven by technology and change is accelerating at an exhilarating rate with no let-up in sight. For most of history, this change has come at the expense of the environment, which we have plundered and degraded to such an extent that our own lives are now threatened. Thankfully, there are signs that things may be changing. Sustainability is a discussed part of our lives and influencing our behaviour. It has even begun to infiltrate big business which increasingly relies on environmental engineers to coordinate, manage and mitigate the environmental impacts of enterprise. Such is the growing concern the environmental engineering field is projected to grow 15% annually until 2022. Opportunities a-plenty.
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top 10 Best Gifts for Environmental Engineers
What gift should you buy for an environmental engineer? Well, surely it’s got to be something environmentally friendly, right? Heck, should you even buy something, or should you make a gift from recycled or reclaimed materials? Would that go down better? It’s a dilemma, to be sure. Luckily for you, at NewEngineer we’ve cooked up some ideas and hunted down some of the best environmental engineering gifts money can buy. Most have an eco-friendly theme (for obvious reasons) and one or two of them you can actually make yourself, if you’ve got the time and inclination.
- Blog Post
- Posted 5 years ago
Fixing the Future: Environmental Engineers and Climate Change
A climate crisis looms over our heads. The struggle to save our planet – that is, to save ourselves – has never been more pressing. The realities of the coming catastrophe are becoming more obvious, projected daily on our television screens.
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Conferences for Environmental Engineering in the US in 2020
The protection of the environment should always be a priority, no matter the rate of innovation. Environmental engineers need to be up to date with the latest environmental issues, technologies, techniques, and government regulations. Attending environmental engineering conferences ensures that all projects an engineer oversees are consistently compliant with environmental regulations.
- Career Advice Article, Work Abroad Article, Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Environmental Engineering Companies in Canada
Environmental engineering is the branch of engineering where the principles of soil science, biology, and chemistry are applied to improve and protect the environment from adverse effects. Environmental engineers also help to protect people from negative environmental effects. Engineers in this field of study also help improve waste disposal, recycling, control of water and air pollution, and public health.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top 5 Environmental Engineering Conferences in 2019
Environmental engineers deal with the protection of the natural environment from harmful elements such as pollution and contamination. They may also work on industrial processes in various factory settings and can specialize in areas such as air, water, or waste management. In addition, environmental engineers should stay up-to-date on regulatory procedures and environmental guidelines. Attending conferences is one such way for professionals to stay up-to-date. Continue reading below for the top five environmental engineering conferences in 2019.
- Ranking
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Environmental Engineering Departments in the U.S
The industrial revolution came in the middle of the 18th century to change everyone’s lives for good. With the invention of machines, most jobs and tasks that were previously performed by manual labour (humans and/or animals) were replaced by new and more efficient methods.It also meant that previous tasks that were unimaginable before were now possible, which lead to the most significant paradigm shift humanity had ever experienced.