- Ranking
- Posted 4 months ago
Top Gifts for Electrical Engineers
Who said electrical engineers are difficult to buy for? If you’re not an electrical engineering enthusiast yourself, there’s a good chance you’ll struggle when it comes to finding the right gift for the electrical engineer in your life. Be they a partner, spouse, brother, sister, father, mother, etc., they more than likely all have one thing in common - they’re obsessed with electrical engineering! Well, fortunately for you, we’ve already done the hard work. Here at NewEngineer.com, we’ve spent hours racking our brains and have come up with a list of the top ten best gifts for electrical engineers.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 1 year ago
5 Tips for Becoming a Successful Tech Engineer
Engineering is an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling career that offers many opportunities for success. It's also one of the most demanding professions, requiring dedication and hard work to succeed. But with the right approach, anyone can become a successful engineer. Here are five tips on how to make it happen.
- Ranking
- Posted 3 years ago
The Best Engineering Magazines
Reading magazines is a great way to stay up to date with industry trends within your specific field - key if you are keen to advance in your engineering career . Magazines offer a centralised accumulation of all relevant and current information, with most magazines offering archives stretching back for years where you can find past issues. There are many different types of engineering magazines, with some geared towards entertainment, while others are more focused on detailed engineering topics. This article offers an overview of engineering-related magazines for some of the main branches of engineering, including mechanical, civil, chemical, and electrical engineering. The magazines mentioned below are aimed at engineering students and professionals.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 3 years ago
Top Ten Electrical Engineering Companies in Canada
Electrical engineers design and test all types of electrical devices, including simple handheld electronics, complex communication systems, power generation plants, and electrical grids. They can also work in a factory, where they may oversee the manufacturing of consumer electronics and other electrical equipment. If you are interested in working as an electrical engineer in Canada, you must first complete an undergraduate degree. After graduating from the program, you can apply to work as an electrical engineer-in-training at one of Canada’s many electrical engineering companies. Once the engineering experience prerequisite is met, you will be able to use the Professional Engineer (P. Eng) title, which allows you to fully practice as an electrical engineer in Canada.
- Leaders of Industry
- Posted 3 years ago
Famous Engineers of the 21st Century
The modern world is a product of human endeavour, our species’ ability to envisage, design, and to construct. Engineers have always been at the forefront of this process, and today, more than any other time in history, we are living in a world of outstanding innovators. These figures have provided humanity with some invaluable advancements, and are now beacons of success, inspiring the minds of tomorrow. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest names.
- Giants of Industry
- Posted 3 years ago
The Top Computer Engineering Companies
Many graduates in computer engineering dream of working for one of the top 5 largest tech companies in the world. With offices in every major city across the globe, it doesn’t matter where you currently live, there is bound to be an opportunity to join one of these tech giants – provided you are good enough of course! Although some may opt for a smaller startup or mid-level business, in truth even at the larger corporate companies there are many benefits to accrue, from flexible working hours and great health benefits to a relaxed, fun atmosphere in the office.
- How Far We have Come
- Posted 4 years ago
The History of Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineers are saddled with a lot of responsibility in today’s world of rapidly advancing technologies.They are tasked with designing, developing, and testing electrical equipment and systems. From smartphones to supercomputers, electrical engineers are deeply involved in every step of the engineering process. But what is electrical engineering?
- Online Learning
- Posted 4 years ago
Top 9 Online Electrical Engineering Degrees
Electrical engineering is one of the most in-demand engineering professions, so those of you who have chosen it as your area of specialisation well done, good choice. While most engineers progress into the workforce with a Bachelor's degree, more and more professionals are staying in further higher education, figuring it will be to their advantage as the competition for jobs hots up. But what if enrolling in a Master's degree is not possible? In these strange times, this is the case for many.
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Conferences for Electrical Engineering in the US in 2020
Engineering conferences are great venues to network with potential clients and employees, as well as learn new techniques in the industry. Conferences are effectively a must for electrical engineers looking not only to further their careers, but also to benefit of the company they represent. Implicitly or explicitly, a company’s engineer who is sent to a conference will act to promote their employer to other vendors and potential clients.
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Universities for Electrical Engineering in Australia
Electrical engineering is often described as a difficult but rewarding job. Tasked with designing and developing new electrical systems, an electrical engineer can expect to pull in an average gross weekly salary of AUD$1,927. In Australia, they can be employed across many industries such as aerospace, rail, facilities management, and telecommunications. For engineers who wish to land jobs as consultants, managers, or project leaders, however, a Master's degree can be very helpful. Below are the top Australian universities that offer Master's degrees in electrical engineering.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Average Salaries Based on Engineering Specification
Engineering is a common profession that combines knowledge of science and technology to solve practical problems. In most countries, working as an engineer means a fulfilling job with good pay. In fact, the average salary of engineers working in the united states is $86,101 per year. This number differs within the various disciplines in the engineering profession. Continue reading below to see a detailed breakdown of the average salaries of the various disciplines in engineering.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article, Study Abroad Article, Blog Post, Ranking
- Posted 6 years ago
Top 5 Electrical Engineering Master Degrees
Electrical engineering stands as one of the most applicable professions across a wide spectrum of industries. An electrical engineer is capable of studying and applying principles of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism to make technology act the way we want and expect it to. Check out our engineering program listings