- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Best Gifts for Engineers on Father's Day
With the advent of online shopping and next-day delivery, your gift-buying troubles can be somewhat alleviated knowing it’s never been easier to cop a cool present over the internet and even have it wrapped for you before it arrives, saving you the trouble of doing, well, anything, really. Luckily, this logic still stands when you’re buying for an engineer - even when the engineer’s your dad, and you’re buying something for Father’s Day (which in the English speaking world, lands on the third Sunday in June).
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Top Engineering Podcasts
Do you want to be more knowledgeable in the field of engineering? Well, look no further! Whether you are walking your dog, driving a car, or travelling in a bus, a podcast can be your best friend - it is reliable, obedient and will rarely let you down (unless your phone runs out of battery). Initially introduced to be used only on your iPod, podcasting has since become a hugely successful industry, covering almost every possible topic you can think of, from making the perfect omelette, to the best way to groom your pet cat. Essential knowledge, you must admit!
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Best iPad Apps for Engineers
The App Store is a wonderful place, full of things that can make your procrastination easier, more efficient, more fun. From Candy Crush to Fruit Ninja to Ballz, there are millions of ways to not get done what it was you wanted to do, whether that's working, studying, or spending time with your family.
- COVID-19
- Posted 4 years ago
What effect does the coronavirus have on the engineering sector?
As isolation and the coronavirus become a part of daily life and all industries are affected, the true extent of the ramifications of this pandemic have become a little clearer. Engineering, too, is not immune to the illness which has already taken thousands of lives, and is set to take thousands more. The sector will face dramatic changes over the coming months as it attempts to adapt and survive in a world where for many people even going outside is banned. So what is the fate of engineering?
- Interview
- Posted 4 years ago
AI and the Future of Engineering: An Interview with Hugo Malagon
What does the future hold for engineering? Perhaps we won’t know the answer until it arrives; when it comes to a field with such breadth as this, anything is possible. One thing’s for certain, though: artificial intelligence will play an enormous role in what happens to the discipline over the next few years. It’s already shaping the manufacturing industry and it won’t be long before all engineering specialisations are transformed in one way or another by this revolutionary technology.
- Gender Inequality
- Posted 4 years ago
Does STEM Have a Problem with Women?
While in recent decades women’s participation in the labour market has significantly increased, wide gender gaps still persist. Broadly speaking, women’s working conditions tend to be worse, particularly remuneration; glass ceilings often block career progress, stifling motivation; and achievement goes less recognised, denting morale. Job opportunity, too, is restricted, some areas of work demarcated, implicitly, if not explicitly, as ‘men’s only’. Make no mistake: equality of the sexes is still some way off.
- Blog Post
- Posted 5 years ago
Engineers Without Borders International
Modern times sure are interesting. The human race stands at the peak of technological advancement, making futuristic inventions that are increasingly accessible for each and every one of us. Most of our basic – and not so basic – needs have been taken care of by one invention of another. And lots of these inventions have become so embedded in our lives we have forgotten what it was like before they existed!
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Can You Work As An Engineer And Travel Full Time?
Remote work can save you $7000 a year because of not having to spend so much on commuting, food, clothing and childcare. Many 'location independent' workers decide to spend this saved money on travel, since they are able to work from anywhere and have always wanted to see more of the world. Does this sound like your dream job? The problem is that not all jobs can be done remotely. Luckily for you, however, engineering work absolutely can. Demand for trained engineers is increasing, and companies know they can cut costs and increase output and employee retention by offering remote work. You just have to know how to find it.
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Movies Engineers Will Love
What kind of movies appeal to engineers? That’s a good question. You have to think about what kind of people engineers (generally) are – problem solvers, innovators, logical thinkers, action takers. Then it becomes pretty obvious. We like films about engineering. Maybe some maths. Sci-fi elements perhaps? And of course, plenty of good old-fashioned action.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Can You Work As An Engineer And Travel Full Time?
Remote work can save you $7000 a year because of not having to spend so much on commuting, food, clothing and childcare. Many 'location independent' workers decide to spend this saved money on travel, since they are able to work from anywhere and have always wanted to see more of the world. Does this sound like your dream job? The problem is that not all jobs can be done remotely. Luckily for you, however, engineering work absolutely can.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Ten Engineering Summer Schools in the US
Summer school is an academic program which includes classes, lectures and courses. They usually take place during summer, outside of the regular school calendar; hence the name summer school. Summer schools are typically carried out by universities, colleges, and sometimes, private companies. The following are some of the purposes of summer school:
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top 6 Companies for Automotive Engineers to Work for 2019
Automotive engineers tend to be highly passionate about their jobs, as most started their careers spending their free time modifying or repairing old petrol-powered cars, that often broke down if we’re being honest with each other. The automotive industry is moving rapidly towards a market where internal combustion engines are beginning to be actively phased out. Major cities around the world are placing ever more severe deadlines and penalties on vehicles that pollute the air.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Why You Should Study at Leiria Polytechnic
A quick glance around the picturesque university campuses and the reasons to study at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria become startlingly obvious - there are that many. From the facilities and exemplary standard of teaching, to the climate, landscape and opportunity to surf, the list really is exhaustive.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Introducing Top 8 US Engineering Institutes
Engineering involves putting scientific principles into practical applications. From building bridges to the next Facebook, it is a popular field of study that is offered at almost all large public universities and research institutes. It can also be categorized into many disciplines such as chemical, mechanical, civil, environmental, software, electrical engineering and more. No matter what discipline prospective students choose to specialise in, they must first choose the right school to pursue their engineering studies.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
NewEngineer.com's Engineering Career Survey
Friends, engineers, countrymen, lend me your ears. I come to make a request of you - don’t worry, its a short and relatively painless one. Here at NewEngineer, we are conducting research into the career paths of our beloved engineers.
- Private Company / Industry
New Engineer
in Berlin, Germany -
- University / College
Technical University Delft
in Delft, Netherlands -
- University / College
University of Michigan
in Ann Arbor, United States -
- Private Company / Industry
in Dallas, United States -
- Private Company / Industry
Wolff & Muller
in Stuttgart, Germany