The 5 Best Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Events to Attend in 2019

The 5 Best Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Events to Attend in 2019

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As additive manufacturing begins to take off at an exponential rate it is often difficult to stay current with the constantly evolving technologies and applications. The best method to learn is to have some face to face time with the experts. The highest density of experts will always be at tradeshows.

the best 3d printing and additive manufacturing events

To assist those who would like to stay updated on this transformative technology we have created a list of the 10 best 3d printing events to attend throughout the world in 2018. This list was created for engineers who want to learn how additive manufacture can be used in their respective industries.

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3rd International Symposium Additive Manufacturing

Where: Dresden, Germany

When: 29/01/2019 - 31/01/2019

The 3rd International Symposium on Additive Manufacturing claims to bring together the leading experts on additive manufacturing. It includes presentations on advanced processing and technologies, pre- and post- processing, and process control and quality, as well as business presentations, networking sessions and post sessions.

3D Medical Printing Conference & Expo

Where: Maastricht, Netherlands

When: 30/01/2019 - 31/01/2019

The 3D Medical Conference includes lectures from academics, doctors, nurses, engineers, designer and managers, and focuses on state of the art developments in the industries, as well as displays of products or future products for those attending the session.

AMUG 2019 (Additive Manufacturing Users Group Conference)

Where: Chicago, USA

When: 31/03/2019 - 04/04/2019

AMUG focuses on 'accelerating the education and advancement of additive manufacturing and 3D Printing'. Bringing in people from all over the world, it includes engineers, designers, managers and educators who come together to share their research and expertise, as well as show how the field itself is developing.

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3D Printing Europe

Where: Berlin, Germany

When: 10/04/2019 - 11/04/2019

Over 200 exhibitors expected out of a total of 2,500 total attendees. One interesting aspect of this exhibition is the inclusion of a concept called "Demonstration Street". This is effectively an area where numerous interactive products and prototypes are put on show. These products incorporate the technologies represented in the exhibition.

Inside 3D Printing

Where: Melbourne, Australia

When: 14/05/2019 - 17/05/2019

Inside 3D Printing is a business-to-business conferences, acting as a trade show for the 3D printing industry. Industry influencers will give keynote presentations, and you'll be able to see the latest 3D printers in action. Inside 3D printing hold several events, not just in Melbourne, including conferences in Mumbai, Munich, Sao Paulo and Seoul.

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