NewEngineer's Grant Contest - The Winner Announced!
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“If you were given all the resources and materials that you would need, which invention would you create that would revolutionize the world?” An interesting question no? Certainly, it is one that gets the mind of an engineer really whirring. For this reason, we made the query the basis of the first edition of NewEngineer’s grant contest, a competition that sought to find the most creative, ambitious, but importantly also plausible, response. The prize for our victor? A cool €500 grant to cover the costs of attending an engineering event or course, anywhere - generous we know! And oh weren’t the participants’ suggestions impressive!
Having received countless applicants - for which we are hugely grateful - the NewEngineer team was left with a tricky decision. Yet, after lengthy deliberation, one entry emerged, standing out from its competitors, catching the imagination both in its innovation and potential for global transformation. Here, it is appropriate to turn to the winner, mechanical engineer Juan Jaramillo, for him to explain his wonderful idea in his own words. Juan, the floor is yours:
"I would create a small, solar-powered fleet of non tripulated boats that would roam freely through water surfaces. The functions of these boats would include: the removing of superficial plastic debris and trash; the regulation of the oxidation of biological loads; the regulation of oxygen levels; and the precipitation of excessive chemical components in the water. Small, but concrete ideas create huge impacts. These boats would not only improve water quality, they would also improve biodiversity and therefore life quality around the treated water surface"
It is hard to refute, a brilliant idea. The conference Juan has chosen to attend is the 3rd International Conference in Battery and Fuel Cell Technology held in London. The details on which can be found here. When asked why this particular conference appealed, Juan responded:
“I chose this conference because right now, every choice we make should be made with environmental awareness at the forefront of our minds. Vehicles and mobility are a pillar of modern society, but they are also one of the biggest sources of contamination and air pollution. This equation must be somehow solved; we must eliminate our dependency on vehicles and fossil fuels, and research towards new technologies that provide sustainability. This conference, in my opinion, contains one of the keys to this dilemma, focusing on the electrification of the automobile. Also, speakers at this conference are presenting the latest on cutting-edge technology and having a chance to hear them up and bring back all that knowledge back to my country really excites me”.
Looking beyond the conference Juan went on to outline what his hopes for the future:
"I’d summarize the main goals of my engineering career in three points. First, keep studying. Engineering is a never-ending source of knowledge. In fact, next years I am planning to begin a Master Degree in Vehicle Design. Second, to work at the mecca of the automobile and engineering: Lamborghini. And thirdly, to eventually bring my newly acquired knowledge back to my country. There are lots of Colombians willing to work and passionate about these topics, but there are not enough opportunities to come close to them.”
Juan, we wish you the best of luck.
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