- Gender Inequality
- Posted 4 years ago
Does STEM Have a Problem with Women?
While in recent decades women’s participation in the labour market has significantly increased, wide gender gaps still persist. Broadly speaking, women’s working conditions tend to be worse, particularly remuneration; glass ceilings often block career progress, stifling motivation; and achievement goes less recognised, denting morale. Job opportunity, too, is restricted, some areas of work demarcated, implicitly, if not explicitly, as ‘men’s only’. Make no mistake: equality of the sexes is still some way off.
- Blog Post
- Posted 4 years ago
Engineers Without Borders International
Modern times sure are interesting. The human race stands at the peak of technological advancement, making futuristic inventions that are increasingly accessible for each and every one of us. Most of our basic – and not so basic – needs have been taken care of by one invention of another. And lots of these inventions have become so embedded in our lives we have forgotten what it was like before they existed!
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 4 years ago
Can You Work As An Engineer And Travel Full Time?
Remote work can save you $7000 a year because of not having to spend so much on commuting, food, clothing and childcare. Many 'location independent' workers decide to spend this saved money on travel, since they are able to work from anywhere and have always wanted to see more of the world. Does this sound like your dream job? The problem is that not all jobs can be done remotely. Luckily for you, however, engineering work absolutely can. Demand for trained engineers is increasing, and companies know they can cut costs and increase output and employee retention by offering remote work. You just have to know how to find it.
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Movies Engineers Will Love
What kind of movies appeal to engineers? That’s a good question. You have to think about what kind of people engineers (generally) are – problem solvers, innovators, logical thinkers, action takers. Then it becomes pretty obvious. We like films about engineering. Maybe some maths. Sci-fi elements perhaps? And of course, plenty of good old-fashioned action.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Can You Work As An Engineer And Travel Full Time?
Remote work can save you $7000 a year because of not having to spend so much on commuting, food, clothing and childcare. Many 'location independent' workers decide to spend this saved money on travel, since they are able to work from anywhere and have always wanted to see more of the world. Does this sound like your dream job? The problem is that not all jobs can be done remotely. Luckily for you, however, engineering work absolutely can.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Ten Engineering Summer Schools in the US
Summer school is an academic program which includes classes, lectures and courses. They usually take place during summer, outside of the regular school calendar; hence the name summer school. Summer schools are typically carried out by universities, colleges, and sometimes, private companies. The following are some of the purposes of summer school:
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Why You Should Study at Leiria Polytechnic
A quick glance around the picturesque university campuses and the reasons to study at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria become startlingly obvious - there are that many. From the facilities and exemplary standard of teaching, to the climate, landscape and opportunity to surf, the list really is exhaustive.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Introducing Top 8 US Engineering Institutes
Engineering involves putting scientific principles into practical applications. From building bridges to the next Facebook, it is a popular field of study that is offered at almost all large public universities and research institutes. It can also be categorized into many disciplines such as chemical, mechanical, civil, environmental, software, electrical engineering and more. No matter what discipline prospective students choose to specialise in, they must first choose the right school to pursue their engineering studies.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
NewEngineer.com's Engineering Career Survey
Friends, engineers, countrymen, lend me your ears. I come to make a request of you - don’t worry, its a short and relatively painless one. Here at NewEngineer, we are conducting research into the career paths of our beloved engineers.
- Private Company / Industry
New Engineer
in Berlin, Germany -
- Private Company / Industry
in London, United Kingdom -
- University / College
Technische Universität Berlin
- Association / NGO, University / College
University of Wisconsin–Madison
in Madison, United States -
- University / College
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
in Wels, Austria -
- University / College
University of British Columbia
in Vancouver, Canada -
- University / College
Old Dominion University
in Norfolk, United States -
- Research Institute
Engineering Institute of Technology
in West Perth, Australia -
- University / College
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
- University / College
Georgia Institute of Technology
in Atlanta, United States -
- Consulting / Legal Firm, University / College
University of Southern Queensland
in Toowoomba, Australia