The Faculty of Economics and Sociology is the largest of the twelve faculties at the University of Lodz. More than 500 employees work here, almost 400 of whom are academics. Among the academic staff, there are more than 40% of habilitated doctors and people with the title of professor. Scientific and teaching activities are carried out within eight institutes. Many of our graduates and academic teachers have held or still hold honorary positions in the public life of Poland and the institutions of the European Union.
Highest quality of research and education:
In 2017, we were once again awarded an "A" category in the classification of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Educational offer:
After Poland's accession to the European Union, the role and importance of higher education institutions increased even more. We currently have one of the best educational offers in central Poland in terms of economic and social sciences. The studies offered at our Faculty are very popular among high school graduates - we currently have about 5,000 students studying with us, which is more than 12% of all students at the University of Lodz. We educate at 16 majors in the full-time and part-time system, at all levels of education: bachelor's degree, master's degree, as well as third-degree (doctoral) and postgraduate studies. Classes are held in Polish and English. We also dynamically support the activity of young people in the student government and more than a dozen scientific circles operating in our environment.
Scientific activities:
The Faculty of Economics and Sociology is currently conducting multidirectional scientific research work in Poland and abroad. We organize dean's lectures, to which we invite the most prominent representatives of economic sciences and humanities known in Poland and abroad.
Foreign cooperation and scholarships:
The Faculty is involved in many international research grants and projects. We cooperate with many universities from Europe, North America, South America and Asia.
We are pleased to open the way for our students and staff to pursue international careers by enabling scholarship opportunities under the Erasmus+ program to 33 partner countries, a scholarship opportunity under the Josai Central European Scholarship Program to Josai Universtity in Japan, and participation in seminars in Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and Russia under the Summer School program. Our faculty has been very popular with foreign students for years. In 2018, we hosted more than 550 students of international mobility programs, most of them - the Erasmus+ program.
Contact Information
Contact Email
42/635 53 56
Contact Phone
16/18, Kopcinskiego Street
90-232 Łódź , Polonia