Domiciled in Bremen, OHB SE (ISIN: DE0005936124, Prime Standard) is Germany’s first listed space and technology company. Two business units offer international customers sophisticated solutions and systems.

With over 37 years of experience in high technology together with its integrated skills in the areas of space technology and telematics, OHB Group is ideally positioned as one of the leading independent forces in the European space, aeronautics and telematics industry.

Total consolidated revenues came to EUR 1 billion in 2018.

Since the ‎stock market flotation in 2001 and the integration of the Space Systems business unit in the OHB ‎Group in 2002 as well as the acquisition of MT Aerospace AG in 2005, Kayser-Threde GmbH (merged into OHB System AG September 1, 2014) in 2007, ‎ CGS S.p.A. in 2009 (now OHB Italia), Antwerp Space N.V. in 2010 and OHB ‎Sweden AB in 2011, total revenues have risen. OHB ‎SE currently has approx. 2.700 employees.‎

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Manfred Fuchs Platz 2-4

28359 Bremen , Germany