KAEFER Integrated Services

Carl Kaefer was a clever man. In 1918 he used peat to in­su­late the walls of cold stor­age spaces. His idea worked so well that it led to the found­a­tion of our com­pany, which has since de­veloped into a mar­ket leader for plant in­teg­rity ser­vices and solu­tions in In­dustry, Mar­ine & Off­shore and Con­struc­tion. With over 28,000 em­ploy­ees and a large in­ter­na­tional pres­ence, we are a true global player – there for you all over the world.

In ad­di­tion to in­su­la­tion, we of­fer ac­cess solu­tions, sur­face pro­tec­tion, pass­ive fire pro­tec­tion & re­fract­ory as well as in­terior out­fit­ting. In everything we do, the cli­ent takes centre stage and we take pride in our ef­fi­cient and in­nov­at­ive ap­proach to over­com­ing chal­lenges and provid­ing ser­vices and solu­tions.

We also pride ourselves on do­ing things the KAEFER way. It’s what makes us dif­fer­ent and is seen clearly in our strong safety re­cord, cut­ting-edge tech­nical ex­pert­ise and strong eth­ical val­ues that guide us in everything we do. Fur­ther­more, we’re driven by in­nov­a­tion and by do­ing things dif­fer­ently. We de­velop new and tailored solu­tions that be­ne­fit our cli­ents and are fron­trun­ners in di­git­al­isa­tion in our in­dustry. We also as­sure qual­ity, safety, cost-ef­fi­ciency and con­tinu­ous im­prove­ment with our sub­stan­tial in-house ex­pert­ise and fully in­teg­rated ser­vices.

Our suc­cess­ful track re­cord speaks for it­self. And it also serves as a test­a­ment to the strength of Carl Kae­fer’s ideas, and our vis­ion – to re­duce and use re­sources more ef­fi­ciently.

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Level 4/218 St Georges Terrace

WA 6000 Perth , Australie