Heitkamp Ingenieur- und Kraftwerksbau GmbH

Heitkamp Ingenieur- und Kraftwerksbau GmbH has been active in power plant construction for decades and has so far handled more than 140 power plant projects throughout Europe. With this experience and the resulting technical know-how, it has become one of the leading construction companies in this field.

Our range of services includes the following types of power station:

Conventional power plants
Gas and steam power plants (GuD)
biomass plants
The scope of supply and services extends from the design and execution planning to the execution of all earth masonry and finishing work up to the turnkey construction of power plant infrastructure buildings.

The extensive in-house expertise in the areas of technical processing and planning, work preparation, engineering surveying, formwork and armament and building material technology were and are the constant basis for the decisive technical advantage.

With its own high standards of quality, on-time delivery and project management, Heitkamp Ingenieur- und Kraftwerksbau GmbH has always proven to be a reliable partner.

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+49 201 836900

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Bonsiepen 9-11

45136 Essen , Germany