We are Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands. More than two hundred professionals who share a huge passion for technology. Every day we work at the frontiers of technology in one of the most challenging industries in the world: space. We do that by thinking creatively in terms of solutions and by working smartly with like-minded partners.
Our solar arrays, satellite instruments and structures for launchers are among the best in the world. They make missions vital for our everyday life on earth possible, such as satellite navigation, communication, climate research and the ongoing monitoring of air quality. We are proud of the crucial contribution our technology makes to these missions.
At Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands we have state-of-the-art facilities to design, assemble, test and deliver our technology. And we have more than forty years of knowledge and experience that we can apply in the aerospace and defence industry. Give our engineers a challenge – preferably as large as possible – and they will provide a targeted solution within the budget and time available.
Our vision
With its new knowledge and possibilities, space technology makes a positive contribution to people’s lives and is helping to improve our understanding of the earth and the universe. That makes our products and services valuable, attractive, and challenging to work on.
Our ambition
Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands makes a vital contribution to the international space industry in the current operational areas of Solar Arrays, Launching Structures, and Instruments & Systems. In these areas we belong to the world top. We seek to achieve the same level with future products and services. We want to be seen as a reliable partner that contributes to the success of our clients’ missions in a solution-driven and targeted manner.
Contact Information
Contact Email
+31 71 524 5000
Contact Phone
Mendelweg 30
2333 CS Liessel , Netherlands