Top Ten Engineering Summer Schools in the US
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Summer school is an academic program which includes classes, lectures and courses. They usually take place during summer, outside of the regular school calendar; hence the name summer school. Summer schools are typically carried out by universities, colleges, and sometimes, private companies. The following are some of the purposes of summer school:
- Introduce participants to a field of study
- Improve the chances of high school students getting into the University
- Provide specialised training for courses which are not offered in regular schools
- Improve the grades of participants
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Engineering summer schools
Engineering summer schools are specialised programmes for the purpose of engineering related learning. These summer schools have a more streamlined list of purposes than their regular counterparts. The following are some of the aims of engineering summer schools:
- Introduce high school students to the general concepts of engineering
- Enlighten students on the benefits as well as challenges of studying or practising engineering.
- Help students who intend to study engineering at the university by preparing them for the application process.
- Provide additional engineering certificates outside of normal school qualifications.
- Provide specialised training in a field of engineering.
In this article, we will be looking at the top 10 engineering summer schools in the US. We will be discussing their programs and what makes them so great.
1. The John Hopkins engineering innovation summer program
First on our list is the John Hopkins summer school. This programme is run by John Hopkins University and takes place in all of the university's campuses. Founded in 2006, engineering innovation introduces high school students aged 15-17 years, to major topics in the field of engineering. The most interesting thing about this programme is that it employs a hands-on approach in preparing students for the challenges of college engineering. In this program, students get to study engineering concepts in practice and not just in theory. By applying their knowledge of science and mathematics to hands-on projects, a link is created between theoretical knowledge and real-world practice.
Within an intensive four to five-week period, participants attend college-level classes, learn about engineering economics, solve problems, test theories and take a comprehensive final exam. At the end of the program, certificates of completion are presented to participants. Lab practical sessions in the engineering innovation programme focus on electrical, computer, chemical and mechanical engineering, as well as materials.
2. Minority introduction to engineering and science (MITES) at MIT
The MITES summer programme is hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is geared towards high school students who come from under-represented communities. These students are also expected to have impressive academic records and an interest in engineering careers. Although MIT does not offer any open enrolment summer program, MITES is run by MIT alongside partner organisations.
In this program, students are required to select 5 of 14 academic courses; one calculus course, one physics course, one life science course, a humanities course, and an elective course. These courses are studied over a period of six rigorous weeks. The MITES programme emphasises the value of pursuing advanced technical degrees and careers. One amazing thing about this programme is that it is scholarship based. If accepted into the program, all you need to do is get yourself to the campus. All boarding food and education costs are covered by the organisers. Only about 80 students are accepted per summer.
3. Engineering summer academy at Penn (ESAP)
The prestigious University of Pennsylvania runs this residential program. ESAP is open to high school seniors, juniors, and sophomores who are interested in exploring engineering at a college level. Participants at this academy can take a course in one of the following: complex works, nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, computer science, etc. The intensive programme runs for three weeks at the University campus. During this period, students acquire hands-on practical experience of sophisticated theory. This is achieved using cutting-edge technology. Participants also engage in extracurricular workshops and interactive sessions on topics such as college admissions.
4. Carnegie Mellon summer academy for mathematics and science (SAMS)
SAMS is an intensive six-week residential summer academy at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is open to rising high school juniors and seniors who are interested in STEM-related undergraduate majors. The SAMS programme is partly free. Students are responsible for transportation and certain recreational expenses. This programme targets minority student groups such as first-generation college students, and students from undeserved communities. It is divided into two distinct groups for seniors and juniors.
Selected participants have the opportunity to choose one of two different academic tracks; computer science and science engineering. Over the course of the program, students develop a deep understanding of engineering, mathematics, physics and computer programming. This is achieved using a combination of traditional classroom teaching and hands-on practicals. Participants are also engaged in workshops about pursuing undergraduate research opportunities, standardised test preparation, admission college essay writing, etc. Apart from its line-up of academic activities, SAMS has an impressive line-up of extracurricular activities. These include movies, sightseeing trips, sporting events, museum visits, theatrical productions, and amusement parks.
5. High school honours science, math and engineering programme (HSHSP) at Michigan State University
The HSHSP is a 7-week intensive summer research programme by the Michigan State University. Founded in 1958 as a hands-on science enrichment programme for high school students, this programme is the oldest running summer programme in the US. It has evolved into a very selective programme for high school students entering the 12th grade. As the name implies, this programme focuses on science, engineering, and mathematics. It offers participants the opportunity to work on a project, under the tutelage of a university researcher. The programme is research intensive and participants spend most of their time researching. Students will give conference-style research presentations on their projects, at the end of the programme.
6. Engineering, science and technology research quest (SER-quest), Maryland
Run by the University of Maryland, the ESTEEM/SER-quest is a 4-week residential programme for high school seniors. It is a mentoring/recruitment programme sponsored by the University's centre for minorities in science and engineering. In 4 weeks, participants will explore engineering via a hands-on engineering project, learn about engineering research methodologies, and learn about college admissions, as well as, financial aid processes.
7. Introduction to engineering programme (IEP) at Notre Dame
Through the IEP, the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, offers outstanding high school students who have an interest in engineering, the opportunity to explore possible career paths in engineering. In general, participants are given a taste of college life, a look at the many fields in engineering, a review of the career opportunities in engineering, a chance to meet industry professionals, and an overview of introductory elements of engineering, design and computer programming. In addition, students enjoy field trips and hands-on laboratory activities.
8. Embry Riddle Aeronautical university aerospace camp
The aerospace camp is one of the many awesome summer programmes at the Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Florida. First things first, you don't get to fly an aircraft! However, you get to learn a lot of exciting things about aerospace. In three weeks, students between the ages of 15 and 18 are given a condensed form the of the University course, introduction to space flight. Topics taught include the history of space, fundamentals of orbital mechanics, propulsion theory, space shuttle operations, and military, industrial and commercial applications in space. Participants are awarded three college credits at the end of the programme.
9. Clark scholars programme at Texas Tech
The Clark scholars programme is a rigorous 7-week summer research programme at Texas Tech University. The learning approach at the Clark scholars programme is through practical research. The fields of research are engineering, mathematics and statistics, energy, computer science, electronic media, etc. Furthermore, participants are treated to weekly seminars, field trips, and several other fun activities. In addition to being free, the program offers selected students the opportunity to receive board, room, and a tax-free stipend.
10. TRY engineering summer institute
This on-campus summer camp is for high school students who are 12-17 years old. It is powered by IEEE and is held in three different university campuses across the US; Vaughn college, University of California, and Texas A&M. For two rigorous weeks, participants receive hands-on training on how to design challenges. Through project-based course work, participants are introduced to various engineering principles. They also go on tours and field trips where they engage with real-life engineers in order to gain first-hand work experience.
The program is divided into introductory and advanced levels. Students are grouped by skill, age, and comfort level. The introductory programme is designed for students who are curious, or who are just learning about engineering. On the other hand, the advanced programme is more intense and is geared towards older and more experienced students. In addition, TRY engineering regularly invites guest speakers and counsellors to converse with its students on the happenings of engineering today, and what to expect tomorrow.
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