
31st International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance




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We are excited to announce the 31st Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF 2025), presented by the Society for Computational Economics and hosted by the Economics Department at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Chile. 

This year’s conference will take place in Santiago, Chile, from July 7–9, 2025, marking the first time the Annual Meetings will be held in Latin America. 

Our featured keynote speakers are:

Submit extended abstracts online HERE. Decision notices will be sent in late March.


Christopher Carroll, President of the Society for Computational Economics, and the local organizing committee cordially invite you to submit (computational, empirical and theoretical) extended abstracts in the fields (broadly defined) of:

  • Macroeconomics
  • Computational Economics
  • International Economics
  • Money and Banking
  • Agents-Based Models
  • Heterogenous Agents Models
  • Finance
  • Econometrics

Full papers are not required at the time of submission; however, preference may be given to submissions that include full papers. Each presenter may submit only one abstract or paper. Attendees may appear multiple times on the program as non-presenting co-authors.

Extended Submission Deadline: March 7th, 2025

Post-Conference Workshop: The Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA) and the SCE are partnering to host a post-conference workshop on “Heterogeneous Agents Models: A Toolkit for Academics and Policy Makers.” The workshop will take place on July 10. Conference participants are welcome to assist upon registration (limited seats). Further details will be announced later.

Student Paper Contest: The SCE sponsors cash prizes for the best graduate student paper presented at the conference. Details are available on the website.

LACEA – Special Session:
The Latin American and  Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) is hosting a special session on “Computing in Economics and Finance: Applications for LATAM.” Authors interested in being considered for this session should indicate their interest at the time of submission. Relevant papers submitted before the announcement will still be considered by the selection committee. Submit HERE.

Registration: All presenters, including those whose papers have been invited or solicited by members of the program committee, will be expected to register and pay fees to attend the conference. Details will be posted on the conference website on April 2025.

Program Chairs and Local Organizers:


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Workshops, Conferences



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Diagonal Paraguay 257

7500000 Santiago , Chili